The crew of the S.S. Isopod would like to welcome you aboard, as they do their best to entertain and enlighten your mad science deprived life.
The S.S. Isopod Crew
Captain Tortuga: Captain of the S.S. Isopod. She runs a tight ship, and valiantly attempts to bring some order to the chaos. It's not easy herding scientists, especially mad ones. |
First Officer Marauder: First Officer of the S.S. Isopod, he is second in command. Whenever Captain Tortuga needs to take a break from her duties, she can always count on Marauder to lead in her absence. |
Pi: The ship's primary robot. Although there are many robots aboard the S.S. Isopod, Pi is the most advanced and has the most personality. Pi's functions include everything from cleaning, to aiding in experiments, to being the Captain's personal assistant. |
The Scientists
Dr. Nubbins: One of the original mad scientists that has been aboard the S.S. Isopod since its maiden voyage. Her field of expertise is messing with the space-time continuum. |
Dr. Kippers: While a full fledged PhD., Dr. Kippers never really forged a research path of his very own. He currently acts as Dr. Nubbins assistant. |
Dr. Gestalt: A more recent crew member. She specializes in genetic recombination, bothering Pi, and keeping out of Dr. Nubbins' way. |
The Others
Cuddles the Giant Squid: He knows Kung Fu and has an unnatural affection for the S.S. Isopod. |